1) D-Clocks standard (CD Reference clocks)
CD Reference Clocks
D-Clock incl. cables with Freq. as belows;
- 6.00000 MHz
- 8.467200 Mhz
- 11.289600 Mhz
12.000000 Mhz
- 12.288000 Mhz
- 16.934400 Mhz
- 18.432000 Mhz
- 22.579200 Mhz
- 24.576000 Mhz
28.322000 Mhz
- 27.000000 Mhz
- 33.868800 Mhz
- 45.158400 Mhz
Neutron Star Audio Clocks + PSU
(Dexa Neutron Star plus Power Supply 115/230V - 15V Low Noise)
Neutron Star Reference Clock incl. Cables and free NS power supply, 115/230V, -15V Low noise
- 6.00000 MHz
- 8.00000 Mhz
- 8.467200 Mhz
- 11.289600 Mhz
12.000000 Mhz
- 12.288000 Mhz
- 16.934400 Mhz
- 18.432000 Mhz
- 22.579200 Mhz
- 24.576000 Mhz
28.322000 Mhz
- 27.000000 Mhz
- 33.868800 Mhz
- 45.158400 Mhz
3) Discrete Op-amps
(Discrete Audio Op-Amp, Active filter, 8 Pin DIP for mono and stereo)

- Discrete OPAMP 8 pin DIP Single
- Discrete OPAMP 8 pin DIP Dual |
4) NCDXD-e Class D Digital Amplifier(stereo), 480W/4ohm

- NewclassD NCDX 480W in 4 0hm Class D Module
- NewclassD NCDXi-627 480W in 4 0hm Class D Module
- NewclassD NCDX Discrete 480W 480W in 4 0hm Discrete Class D Module |
5) DAC-S DAC D/A converter Module

- DexaDAC S Standard with PCM1704 and LM4562 w/o power supply
- DexaDAC S Discrete with PCM1704 w/o power supply
- DexaDAC S Discrete with PCM1704 and Low noise High End Mains
6) Low Noise "Tracking" Dual Audio Power Supply 115/230v +/- 0 - 15V 100mA
7) Regulators (in both positive and negative volts)
8) Other products
- GOLD Series Dual Mono Line Stage / I-V Converter kit (incl. Power Supply)
Soft Start Circuit + DC / RFI Filter Combo
Ultra Wide Band voltage regulator
* Please write for more applying information on modifictions |