Item marked with '*'  --> New arrival,頁面更新日三個月內新到貨者

HEA The Complete Guide to High-End Audio(Hi-End音響完全手冊),450頁
FIHF Firsts in High Fidelity(高傳真始未), 267 pages
The Products and History of H. J. Leak & Co. Ltd. by Stephen Spicer
Story about one of the world's best high-fidelity audio company- Leak
CSCB The Car Stereo Cookbook by Mark Rumreich(汽車音響手冊),297頁
build your own super sound system on wheels! achieve the extreme in car audio.
about how to design, choose, and install car stereo system.
HTFE HOME THEATER for everyone by Robert Harley(每人的家庭劇院),204頁
A practical guide to Today's home entertainment systems, 1st edition
BOHT Build Your Own HOME THEATER by Robert Wolenik(建置自己的家庭劇院),200頁
Save Thousands of dollars by designing your own dream theater system, a complete guide to the Do-It-Yourselfer's Ultimate Audio and Video Experience
JAE  The Joy of Audio Electronics by Charles Hansen. The book to start you on the exciting and fulfilling voyage to building your own audio and projects!,(音響電子之樂,試作專案)124頁*
MHACU The Master HandbooK of Acoustics,3rd Edition,by Alton Everest,-completely updated and expanded to include new chapters on computer-aided acoustical room design, digital and analog sound processing, and synthesizer/midi studio acoustics(聲頻學主手冊,第三版)452頁*
RDHB 香港發燒音響書評介紹內容 Radio Designer's Handbook,4th edition 1953, revised 1967(音響設計家手冊)精裝本1498頁(6/26/99)

Radio Designer's Handbook,F. Langford-Smith, CD version(音響設計家手冊)CD版本售價1/3最花算(9/6/06) *
LPBK  The LP is Back!,35 articles!(LP唱盤又回來了!LP的整理與維護完全指導,159頁) *
UTSG  The Ultimate Tube Substitution Guide 1906-1959(管球替代引導,230頁) *
AE Audio Electronics by John Linsley Hood(音響電子學,數位與類比,The art of linear electronics的作者)351頁 *
ACUS ACOUSTICS by Leo L. Beranek(音響學,與一般不同的是特別強調電子電路理論實務應用的問題因應之道),精裝本491頁 *
ACUSA ACOUSTICS An introduction to it's Physical Principles and Applications by Allan D. Pierce(音響學),精裝本678頁 *
ANP Acoustics and Psychoacoustics(音響學與音響心理學, ) By David M. Howard and James Angus, 364頁
NYAS OPERATING FEATURES OF THE AUDIO by Annals Of The New York Academy Of Sciences(New York科技學有關音響工作原理資料),26頁
KCS Killer Car Stereo On A Budget(汽車音響效果改良專題討論)
DAE Digital Audio Engineering-An anthology(數位音響文選工程),144頁
FMA Fundamentals Of Music Acoustics(音響學基礎) by Arthur H. Benade
VHFS Vintage Hi-Fi Spotter's Guide, V.1 Vacuum Tube Equipment 1947-62 & V.2 Audio Equipment 1929-63 Speaker Spotter (古典器材覽集), 約85頁
PDA Principles of Digital Audio(數位音響原理準則精論) 
by K.C. Pohlmann, 再版, 474頁
UAS ULTIMATE AUTO SOUND: Your Guide to Heaven on Wheels(車用音響按裝),110頁
WEF The WOOD EFFECT-Unaccounted contributor to Error and Confusion in Acoustics and Audio(值得細讀的有關相位發現與歷史記述), 103頁
TFDP Theatres For Drama Performance-recent experiences in acoustical design(劇院的聲學設計戲劇功能),122頁
TAR The Art of Recording(錄音學)
HTUOA How To Use Op Amps(如何使用OP Amps), 154頁
AFC Active Filter Cookbook-Your definitive resource for the use and understanding of inductorless lowpass, bandpass, and high pass opamp resident electronic filters(OP.Amp主動式電子分音範本,17th classic printing)
HBFSE Handbook for sound engineers,the new audio cyclopedia,2nd edition(聲音工程百科手冊),,精裝本1506頁
BETI Build your own Electronic test instruments, by Elektor Electronics UK(自己裝電子測試儀器)449 pages 

其他 Others:

擴大機類 Amplifier & related
管球特性類 Tube & related
喇叭類 Speaker building & related

Last updated on 9/6/06