Duelund CAST resistor and the Duelund Silver/Carbon resistor
- a resistor which seemingly has no sound of its own -

Thus far the resistor has been regarded as a necessary evil, something that was needed out of necessity but scorn for its negative impact on the fidelity of the signal.
This has changed with the introduction of the Duelund Coherent Audio Resistors.
When designing these components the task was that the voicecoil of the speaker and the resistor be viewed as a whole rather than two separate entities.
The Duelund CAST proces applied to the top of the line resistor makes it an extraordinary component completely without peers. The result is a resistor which seemingly has no sound of its own and it allows the drivers to perform at their very best.
Duelund's "humble" opinion is that their resistors are the best "bang for the buck" upgrade available.
Simply replace your resistors for unparalled transparency and dynamic ability.
VSF Carbon/silver wire wound resistor, tol. +/- 5%, 5W;
0R47, 1R
VSF Carbon/silver wire wound resistor, tol. +/- 5%, 10W;
0R47, 1R, 1R5, 2R2, 2R7, 3R3, 3R65, 3R9, 4R7, 5R6, 6R8, 7R5, 8R2, 10R, 15R, & 22R

CAST Carbon/silver wire wound resistor, tol. +/- 5%, 5W;
CAST Carbon/silver wire wound resistor, tol. +/- 5%, 10W;
0R47, 1R, 1R5, 2R2, 2R7, 3R3, 3R65, 3R9, 4R7, 5R6, 6R8, 7R5, 8R2, 10R, 15R, & 22R
PS. Write for in stock value and quote
Last updated on 6/16/11