2014 TAA Taiwan International Hi-End Show to hold on 8/14~17 at Grand Hotel, Taipei .
Please visit us at room 310C, to display our newly release flagship model-Angelus, 145cm tall by using 12pcs ofl Accuton driver units plus new line on parts;Rike Audio capacitor, Wagate's EVO new line, Duelund capacitors, Jensen's oil capacitor...etc..
On 312C room, the creater Didi will demo Venture's Ultimate speaker, Louder speaker Vidi to go with new model Preamplifier VP100L and Power Amp. V120S.
You will find these are among the best in this show. Come to experience youself!
Newly added Taiwanese made KCR output transformer. These products are works and designed by Japanese engineering for serious music audiophile. Products are mfg. by ISO9001 plant, an experienced manufacturer who makes line of transformers for last decays. For current item availability, you can refer page of KCR's models for more information.
All of our shipping capacitors, except for electrolytic type are ship with matched pair for free of extra charge.
So please make sure to ask for the add-on free service.
Due to our email receiving with problem, to those of you did not have replied as normal days and expected in days. Please send copy mail or reminder so we can react sooner.(4/17/06)
2006 The Taiwan 16th Hi-End Hi-Fi show to hold on July 21 to 24 at Asia World Holiday Inn, Taipei
2005 The Taiwan 15th Hi-End Hi-Fi show to hold on August 5 to 9 at the 5 stars hotel AGORA GARDEN TAIPEI .
This year the show to move into a resort hotel nearby to the Taipei World Trade Center.
This show is the largest audio show,by number of rooms in Asia and organized by Taiwan Audio Association.
This year to have about 106 booths in room types and 30 some nice function rooms for hi-end audio displaying.
See you at the coming show.
We all try hard to escape from internet spam, but this could sometimes also make us ov
erlook your incoming email as well. So if you don't receive our reply in a couple of days or a reasonable period of time, please again send us a reminder or mark your email-for urgent attention
If you don't receive our reply or wait to long has no answer, it is mostly like that we are not receive your email, on national holidays, oversea business traveling, attending audio show(it is always our first priority to take care of show inquiry), visiting the major world renown audio & vedio show or maybe your inquiry letter need sometimes to manage for a quote.
Please send us a note so we can react when at first available place.
SUPRA cables are now in stock.
offer-PROTON Power Transformers at give away price, input
THLaudio has moved to a new
Effective on August 31,2002.
Please make a note of our new address and phone numbers:
Tang Hill international Ltd.
P.O.Box 82-170 Taipei, Taiwan
1, Alley 5, Lane 217,
Sec. 3, Zhongxiao East Rd.,
Taiwan 10653
886-2-8771 3363~5 (Rep.)
Fax: 886-2-8771 3123
out our own-brand OdiO RCA plugs with special process
plating, which we believe are much
better sounding then WBT from Germany.
Just arrived Jensen capacitors,
Made in Denmark- the copper tube version. (5/16/02)
Also in stock series of Mcap and car
buffer capacitor from Germany. (5/16/02)
Added also is the KimbleCap range, anyone interested in these products please write for details and offers.
Lately we have received many
incoming e-mails with no contents and file size about 130K,
believe it was blocked by anti virus software locally. In the case
of you not getting a prompt reply from us, let us know or re-send the
message again.(4/40/02)
The range of Furutech plugs has also been
added into our web pages.(2/7/02)
Our office will be closed for
Holidays between 5/7 to 5/16(4/30/02)